What's it like living with psoriasis?

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Read our young people's stories about life with psoriasis.

Being diagnosed with psoriasis at a young age and dealing with the condition in your teenage years may be daunting, but you're not alone! Have a read of our young people's experiences below.

You can read the stories people have shared with us below by clicking on the individual names.

If you'd like to share your own story and have it featured here on Psoteen and on our social media channels you can find out how to get involved here.


Allegra ran the Robin Hood Half Marathon this weekend to raise money for the Psoriasis Association. She shares her story on living with psoriasis.

"Fighting with a Ghost Called Psoriasis" by Nikki

Nikki previously shared her story with us, now she has shared this piece of writing based on her experience of living with psoriasis.

Jess' Hospital Diary

Jess is staying in hospital for a few weeks whilst she receives treatment for her psoriasis. She decided to share her experience to help others by writing a hospital diary.


Dominic talks about the importance of finding the right treatment after his mental health suffered due to his psoriasis.


Megan shares how her psoriasis impacted all aspects of her life when it was at its worst, but she now has a more positive outlook.


Emily opens up about the battles she had to fight before finding a treatment that worked for her.


Paige has lived with psoriasis since she was 12. Now she's 18, she shares her story about how it impacts her life.


Julianna previously shared her treatment tips with us, now she has written a school essay based on her life living with psoriasis. She kindly shared it with us.


Jasmine's psoriasis first started after having tonsillitis and progressed while she was at university. Here, she discusses learning to accept her condition and finding a treatment that works for her.


Tasia promotes self-love and self-acceptance through her psoriasis journey.

Rachel - 20th June 2022

Having lived with psoriasis since her early childhood, Rachel developed psoriatic arthritis in her teens. She is now keen to raise awareness that arthritis doesn't only come with old age.

Fae - 28th May 2022

Fae found strength in reading other people's experiences of living with psoriasis following her first flare-up of guttate psoriasis. Now, she is sharing her story to help others.

Curtis - 26th April 2022

In his story, Curtis discusses the valuable support of his friends and family in coping with his psoriasis, how exercising has helped him to rediscover his confidence, and finding comfort in shared experiences.

Rosie - 28th February 2022

Rosie discusses the invaluable support of her family and friends when her guttate psoriasis is flaring, and how sharing her experiences on Instagram has helped her to embrace her skin.

Harry - 22nd February 2022

Harry shares his experience of growing up with psoriasis, including the impact the condition has had on his self-esteem, the treatments he has tried, and how lifestyle changes have led to an improvement in his skin and overall wellbeing.

Afsah - 15th February 2022

Afsah was diagnosed with psoriasis when she was a baby. In her story she discusses adapting to life after finding a successful treatment, and how channelling her feelings into a creative outlet has helped her to accept her skin, and herself.

Sian - 24th May 2021

Living with psoriasis affected Sian's confidence and self-esteem, causing her to cover up her skin and avoid the hairdressers. After finding a treatment to successfully manage her skin Sian wants to share her experiences to help others.

Marija - 17th May 2021

This week Marija is running online belly dance classes to raise awareness of psoriasis! To coincide with her event she tells us about her experiences of living with guttate psoriasis and how the support of her close family helped her to cope during some difficult flares.

Zobias - 26th April 2021

Taking steps to lead a healthier lifestyle, including reducing alcohol intake, eating a balanced diet, and exercising more, has helped Zobias to regain control of his psoriasis and feel more confident in his skin.

Jess P - 8th April 2021

Jess was diagnosed with guttate psoriasis after moving to university last year. To mark her 21st birthday she has chosen to share her story; from managing time-consuming treatments, to the impact on her mental health and changing the language around psoriasis.

Jess T - 26th March 2021

When Jess was younger she felt like she had to cope with her psoriasis alone. Now she is using her experience to raise awareness of the condition and tackle stigma.

Alicia - 26th February 2021

Alicia shares her experience of growing up with psoriasis. From her initial symptoms, to the treatments she has tried, and regaining her confidence.

Jasmine - 25th November 2020

Jasmine, who was diagnosed with psoriasis as a child, talks candidly about the challenges of living with the condition, and how therapy is helping her to come to terms with her skin.

Michelle - 30th October 2020

Michelle took part in a Q&A for Psoriasis Awareness Week 2020 to share her experiences of scalp psoriasis, covering everything from when she was first diagnosed with the condition to what advice she would share with others.

Felicity - 6th May 2020

Felicity had coped well with her psoriasis throughout her younger years, but developing guttate psoriasis at 17 rocked her self-image and confidence. Here she tells her story and why she feels it is so important to raise awareness of the condition.

Olivia C- 20th January 2020

Nineteen year old Olivia was diagnosed with psoriasis ten months ago when it felt like the condition had taken over her life. Here she describes the impact of having psoriasis on her hands, and how medication has helped her to manage.

Lynn- 11th November 2019

Fifteen year old Lynn talks about how the condition affected her confidence and made her feel different from her peers following her diagnosis at 10 years old.

Olivia M- 4th November 2019

Olivia's psoriasis made her self esteem and confidence plummet as she approached her second year at university. Now she wants other young girls who are in a similar position to know that it can get better.

Erin- 5th August 2019

Erin's mental health suffered as a result of her psoriasis throughout her teenage years. Now, at 18, she wants to help others who are going through similar experiences.

Michelle- 22nd July 2019

Michelle talks about her experiences growing up with psoriasis, from the many treatments she used as a child to supressing her feelings about her skin, and why she is determined not to let the condition define her.

Afsah- 24th June 2019

Afsah struggled with her pustular psoriasis while she was growing up, and bullying affected her self-esteem. Here she shares her story and how going to the gym has helped her to feel more positive.

Ellie M- 10th June 2019

Ellie shares her psoriasis journey and talks about how she found strength and positivity from reading other people's stories, inspiring her to do the same.

Jodie- 3rd June 2019

Although Jodie has had psoriasis since she was two, her most severe flare happened in year 13 after she came down with tonsillitis. In her story Jodie recalls the effect psoriasis had on her self confidence.

Jade- 15th April 2019

Jade talks about her struggle to obtain a diagnosis of psoriasis, and the long process of trial and error to find a treatment to manage her skin and get her feeling like herself again.

Tom- 11th February 2019

Tom shares his experiences of school and university life while managing his psoriasis and seeking an effective treatment regime.

Ellie C- 21st January 2019

Ellie found learning to live with the challenges of psoriasis difficult throughout her teenage years, but has since come to accept her skin and embrace her 'leopard spots'.

Gráinne- 14th January 2019

Whilst Gráinne's guttate psoriasis impacts her mental health when she is flaring, she refuses to let the condition stop her from doing what she wants. Here she explains why she feels it is so important to embrace your skin.

Mollie- 24th December 2018

Mollie shares her experiences of growing up with psoriasis and how, with the support of her family and friends, she's learned to accept her skin.

Mia- 17th December 2018

Mia has been living with psoriasis since just after her 18th birthday. Find out how she dealt with the daunting prospect of moving away from home for university whilst managing her psoriasis.

Alice- 26th November 2018

Alice's psoriasis made her feel insecure throughout her teenage years and she used to wear lots of makeup to cover it. Now she has come to accept her psoriasis and shares her makeup and confidence tips on Instagram.

Kate- 8th October 2018

Kate's psoriasis first appeared when she was around 10 years old. Recently she has learned to love herself again and begin embracing her skin, even getting a t-shirt made with her own slogan on it!

Benjamin- 24th September 2018

Ben tells us about the invaluable support he has found through talking to other people with psoriasis on Instagram and why he is feeling more hopeful thanks to UVB treatment.

Beth- 3rd September 2018

Like many people, Beth had no idea what psoriasis was when she was first diagnosed. Here she explains how she has since learnt to embrace her skin, and why she wants to help others do the same.

Maddy- 13th August 2018

Maddy initially felt 'fobbed off' by her doctor but found the courage to go back and has now started an effective treatment which has helped her psoriasis and boosted her self-esteem.

Georgia- 23rd July 2018

Georgia first noticed her psoriasis patches after bullying made her feel anxious about her appearance and going to school. After regaining her confidence years later she started an awareness campaign to uplift and empower others with psoriasis.

Rhianna- 9th July 2018

Rhianna felt she lost herself due to her psoriasis but was able to slowly regain her confidence by finding professional help and writing about her feelings.

Nakita- 21st May 2018

Nakita noticed her first 'spot' of psoriasis in P.E. class at secondary school, here she shares her experiences and her excitement at finally getting an appointment with a Dermatologist.

Alicja- 14th June 2018

Alicja was diagnosed with psoriasis just before her 18th birthday. Here she describes her journey with the condition and why she started the #JestemBiedronka social project.

Share Your Story With Us

Are you inspired by other people's stories and interested in sharing your own experiences of psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis? Would you like your story to be featured on this page, and on our social media channels?

We are looking for...

  • Your story of life with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis (or both) in your own words
  • Ideally 400 words or less (if you want to write more, that's fine too)
  • A photo of yourself to accompany your story (you can provide as many photos as you like)

  • If you're interested in taking part and sharing your story, or you'd like more information about the project, please contact us at