Amelia's Story

Amelia has lived with psoriasis since she was 9 years old. In her story, she talks about how she wants to end the stigma of skin conditions.

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I was diagnosed with psoriasis when I was 9. I was confused at first, self-conscious, and it made other problems that I was already struggling with even worse before I could receive any help.

I had patches all over my body and the majority of my scalp. I was prescribed Dovobet, Protopic, Exorex, Sebco, T/Gel etc. and I would liberally apply these every morning before school. I felt frustrated that I had to incorporate this into my morning routine when other kids my age wouldn’t have to!

I was often asked by my peers what the patches were, if I was infectious etc. I was made to feel by others as though I was contagious despite psoriasis not being contagious at all. My psoriasis got slightly better with the help of many treatments, however, when I turned 12 I was sectioned in hospital for anorexia nervosa and I was not allowed to use my creams unless I was monitored. I was only allowed a tiny dab of cream handed out in a medicine container every night, so of course my psoriasis worsened alongside all the stress at this time of my life!

I was in and out of hospital for 7 years and I am now 18, I finally have access to my ointments and have a routine but I’m hoping to start injections for my psoriasis soon! Psoriasis is not bad, it’s not contagious, it’s not ugly or gross. #EndTheStigma

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