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30 October 2023

Launch of New Posters

The Psoriasis Association’s three key aims are to provide information, advice and support to those whose lives are affected by psoriasis, to raise awareness of psoriasis and to fund research into psoriasis. This Psoriasis Awareness Week, we are pleased to unveil two brand new posters to help us demonstrate our impact.

Our new set of three colourful posters incorporate photographs taken at last years ‘Active Lives’ photoshoot designed to show how people can live well with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Both may be chronic conditions, but that doesn't mean that life has to stop once diagnosed.

With each poster focusing specifically on each of our three primary aims, the posters are an excellent visual way of showing what we offer to help people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

The posters can be displayed in GP surgeries, Dermatology Departments or in clinics, and during Psoriasis Awareness Week 2023, all three posters were sent to all Dermatology Departments and Rheumatology Departments in the United Kingdom, as well as some GP with Special Interest in Dermatology Clinics.

Posters were also sent out to hospital departments holding their own Information or Awareness Days during Awareness Week.

If you would be able to deliver a poster to your GP surgery or in your local area please do let us know via our helpline on 01604 251 620 or by emailing and we will send one out to you.

If you work in healthcare and would like to order any of our resources, you can also get in touch via our email or phone number above.

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