22 July 2024
Information Stand at Tesco Mereway - Northampton
On Friday 19th July, The Psoriasis Association had the pleasure of hosting an information stand at the Tesco Store in Mereway, Northampton.
Throughout the day, our helpline team spoke to around 50 people providing them with valuable information and support on psoriasis and psoriatic conditions.

Our stand displayed a range of practical resources, including our flagship "What is Psoriasis?" leaflet, which was updated in 2023, to feature a variety of images of psoriasis for the first time.
The brochure for "Our Achievements 2023" was a wonderful talking point and highlighted our accomplishments from last year and included new images from our psoriasis on the skin photoshoot.
Our helpline team were able to educate, raise awareness and provide practical information to those living with psoriasis and psoriatic conditions.
Our helpline advisor, Laura, said:
"It was great to chat with so many local people about their psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. We spoke in length with nearly 50 people about their own psoriasis journeys and many more who had not heard of the condition.
To be able to support local psoriasis patients and provide literature in understanding the condition and working with their healthcare professionals is rewarding. Our new style leaflets were very well received, and many commented that it was helpful to see different types of psoriasis and on different skin tones."
The Psoriasis Association was founded in 1968, in Northampton and although we are a national charity, events like these are a fantastic opportunity to connect with the local community.
Our information stand was a great example of how our services not only provide information and support to those living with psoriasis, but also educate the public on the condition, should they ever encounter it in the future.

As a reminder all our leaflets and information sheets are available online and we also have a wealth of resources across the information and support section of our website.
You can also get in touch with us on our helpline, with any queries.
Confidential Helpline:
Ring: 01604 251 620, email: mail@psoriasis-association.org.uk or WhatsApp 07387 716 439.
Phone, email and WhatsApp available Monday to Friday 09.00 to 16.00.