Nice clothes that cover ur psoriasis.

Posted Sat 17 Dec 2011 21.40 by Stephanie2011x
My arms and legs are affected and feel self concious about it and have no confidence.

Can anyone recommend any sites or shops that sell nice clothes but cover ur arms and legs, been trying to find something nice to wear for the new year but can't find anything and anything i do like shows off my arms.

Posted Thu 22 Dec 2011 09.48 by GeorgiaD.13 (edited Wed 25 Nov 2015 16.32 by nicky1234)
Yes, i first suffered it when i was 9, it stayed until i was 10 and a half and came back a few days after i turned 11. I am now 13 and im ha

I'm not sure of any shops, but if you find something you really like that shows off your arms you could just buy a plain long sleeved tops to wear underneath - no one will notice :) Georgia.

Posted Thu 8 Mar 2012 11.38 by Psoriasis Association Admin (edited Mon 13 Aug 2012 13.11 by cemportat)
Psoriasis Association Admin

Hiya, I know NY has gone now but I know what you mean about wanting to cover up, esp with spring/summer on the way. Quite a lot of the bodycon-type dresses around now actually have longer sleeves or 3/4 length. If i want to wear a dress but my legs are pretty bad sometimes i'll put tights on with it. Don't have to be really thick ones, but a thin denier just covers it enough for me to feel a bit more confident.

Posted Fri 9 Nov 2012 00.30 by El
i have been affected by psoriasis for a lond time, at least it feels like a long time. I had it from when I was 6 or 7, but then it was only

If i am wearing skirt, dress or shorts i usually wear tights or long socks. for my arms I wear cardigans or nice gloves like laceyish ones or semi seethrough materials. Um also not really gloves but just go around the thumb then up the arm so covering my psoriasis.

Posted Sun 10 Mar 2013 20.33 by fozziebear03
I have had Psoriasis ever since i was 5 years old. It has affected my life in many ways, from being bullied to gaining friends and losing so

I was told by my Dermatology Nurse that cotton keeps your skin all well. DON'T wear fluffy!!!!! Fluffy just makes your skin A WHOLE LOT WORSE!!! Keep it to the simple things in life ;) However you can treat yourself and wear awesome branded clothes... :D

Posted Tue 23 Apr 2013 20.40 by 525

A nice jump suit and a shrug on it to cover arms

Posted Wed 19 Nov 2014 20.02 by catherine.ivory
the affect of psoriasis for me is that i always cover it up in P.E at school and i haven't been my self in a long time because of it and me

i normally just wear long sleeves and jumpers but went its hot i just let people look and see the real me i am still really young and dont like to talk about it but if people ask i just tell them that i have psoriasis and then they just leave it but if you really struggle with it then put concealer or foundation on it if it has not got cuts because i think that can get it infected but not to shore i use to put make up on it but now i just let people see who i am

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