What foods affect psoriasis

Posted Sun 4 Dec 2011 18.26 by Ellasworld466
I have severe psoriasis in my scalp, I also have severe psoriasis All over my body and it just keeps on popping out, sometimes I get nasty

I've been to so many people, what foods affect psoriasis I've been told dairy and fizz... Can you plz HELP!

Posted Thu 22 Dec 2011 09.51 by GeorgiaD.13 (edited Sun 10 Mar 2013 20.23 by nicky1234)
Yes, i first suffered it when i was 9, it stayed until i was 10 and a half and came back a few days after i turned 11. I am now 13 and im ha

My parents who both suffer Psoriasis have always told me too stay away from citrus's - lemons, oranges kiwi - it has always helped me keep my Psoriasis at bay :)

Posted Tue 15 May 2012 16.19 by Jase (edited Tue 7 Oct 2014 22.33 by khall55)

I was wondering about this too as im quite into my health and fitness, but the advice i got from the psoriasis association (and on this site) is that theres no evidence that any foods affect it. Considering you can look online and EVERYONE says something different- dairy, tomatoes, citrus fruits, not enough fish, etcetcetcetcetc... I reckon this site is probably right! If everyone was saying the same thing i might believe it.

Posted Sun 20 May 2012 21.07 by SophieR20

I think if you have an underlying intolerance, it may worsen psoriasis, so cutting out the food that you are intolerant to would make your skin improve, but I don't think that a change of diet is a miracle cure for everyone.

Posted Wed 22 Apr 2015 21.12 by bdv_lc
12 years

I've found in the past that my psoriasis has been completely controlled if I don't eat milk or soya, so I've treated it for 10 years as a sort of allergy :) obviously this won't work for everyone but just thought I'd share! My psoriasis is getting more serious now and not sure if the food control is still working or whether maybe more foods are affecting it so we'll have to see

Posted Thu 24 Mar 2016 02.36 by Alteara
I had my 'trigger' when I was 14, crazy things were happening with my friends and also my dad died. At first it was really bad. It destroyed

Fish oil is really good for the skin as a fact, so in theory it could help with psoriasis. So eat a lot of fish, or alternatively get those fish oil capsules. I use them and I think they have a minor positive effect.

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