People who'll understand

Posted Sun 15 Mar 2015 16.19 by awesomepawesome394
For many years I've dealt with and hidden my psoriasis which covered my ears however, recently, it has spread to the back of neck too

I've never joined/done anything like this. I wasn't even aware sites like this existed for psoriasis. I'm 15 and have had it more or less all my life. I can't remember a time where it wasn't there and I've always hidden it because each time anyone has learned about it, they've treated me like I was (well I want to say Zombie but no one has tried to behead me) dangerous? I guess I've always wanted to meet people who understand. People who I can tie my hair up around and not be judged for my skin...

Posted Wed 1 Apr 2015 18.25 by isy9512 (edited Sun 17 May 2015 08.11 by jodyanne)
Psoriasis mainly on my arms, self-conscious especially in summer, embarrassed which prevents me from taking my hoodie or jumper off when I'm

Hey I'm 19 and has psoriasis around 10 years. I get what you mean, I've always hidden mine e.g. wearing cardigans and long sleeved tshirts. When I told my friends they were understanding, but sometimes when I'd take my cardi off they would look at my psoriasis in a weird way and they'd ask if it's contagious on multiple occasions which used to annoy me. I've also wanted to meet people who are in similar situations as I am. It's a great feeling when you know your not alone. :) Isy x

Posted Sat 4 Apr 2015 00.28 by awesomepawesome394 (edited Sun 17 May 2015 08.11 by Kneesnelbows)
For many years I've dealt with and hidden my psoriasis which covered my ears however, recently, it has spread to the back of neck too

Yes, I've had that before with friends...I finally just stopped telling people altogether but it's getting difficult to cover because it's getting worst and I'm worried how people will react if they see... It is great knowing people understand after spending so long thinking I was alone with this feeling :)

Posted Sun 17 May 2015 08.11 by scaling-up (edited Fri 5 Jun 2015 12.47 by alison michael)

Hi, I'm new to this :') I'm 19 and have had psoriasis for a few years. I know exactly how you both feel, it's awful isn't it. Psoriasis has become the bane of my life, and it really knocks my confidence like when someone asks if I have chicken pox and I just feel like crying and never leaving my room. I've tried so many treatments but it keeps coming back. I don't know how this site works, but I'd love to get to know other people who understand. I'm finding it difficult going through this alone, so it would be amazing to chat to people who genuinely understand :')

Posted Fri 5 Jun 2015 12.49 by isy9512
Psoriasis mainly on my arms, self-conscious especially in summer, embarrassed which prevents me from taking my hoodie or jumper off when I'm

Hi Jade, it's Isy. You said you'd like to get to other people who have psoriasis, so would I tbh. And we're the same age which is cool. Here's my email address: feel free to email me :) I hope to hear from you soon. Isy :)

Posted Mon 12 Oct 2015 01.25 by luke_123
I have had the condition for around 5 years now, yet it feels like forever. It affects most areas of my body including my face.

Hi guys, I'm 18 and have had psoriasis for about 5 years now. I covers most parts of my body as well as my face. It has caused me to lose a huge amount of self confidence and now I can't stop thinking about what other people must think of me. I have great friends, yet I still can't bring myself to tell anyone what I'm going through. I guess somehow I am worried that they wont look at me the same way. Obviously at this point I am sure they must think I have some sort of condition, as every time they see me my face is a different shade of red due to flare ups, but they don't mention it, which I appreciate. I just don't know if I can tell people this, I feel as though I am on my own. Maybe someday I will pluck up the courage to say something.

Posted Thu 29 Dec 2016 17.33 by Lm888

im 19 and only developed psoriasis about 2 years ago. Im still trying to get used to it to be honest as its really knocked my confidence. I could cope with it on my arms- i.e wearing long sleeves tops but now i have it on my chest and any lower cut tops i want to wear i look like ive been burnt or Something. It can be so painful at times aswell and i just hate it- i have never found any remedy to help it either. I guess i just dont understand how others like me cope with it- will i ever be able to just have normal looking skin??

Posted Wed 8 Feb 2017 22.17 by ab249

I am 17 and was diagnosed with psoriasis last year only on my elbows. In November I noticed little spots all over my body and the doctor told me it was guttate psoriasis. I have been given creams (dovobert and protopic) it has really knocked my confidence and I was just looking to talk to people going through a similar thing.

Posted Tue 14 Nov 2017 17.50 by Ceeekes

Hi I’m 18 and have had psoraosis for about 7 years, it took a while for the doctors to figure out what it was because they thought I was too young to have psoraosis. At the moment I’m having a really bad flare up all over my body. I’m used to it only being on my scalp and a little bit on my face and ears but this time it’s everywhere, it’s really knocked my confidence expecially because I go on holiday next week and I don’t want anyone to see it. I’ve cried a lot over this flare up, I feel horrible i can’t look in the mirror because I think it looks so bad. I just want someone to talk to who understands because no one else around me really does.

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