i know

Posted Tue 26 Nov 2013 20.59 by mojo
i have it very bad all over my scalp and not as bad batches all over my body

i know i am not the only one but it feels like it all the time . my class is 200 and i am the only one with psoriasis. please tell me i am not the only one who feels like this

Posted Fri 28 Nov 2014 22.46 by AnnaPhoebe28
Plaque psoriasis - legs and arms covered in lots of spots, face very dry and flaky, and starting to get it worse on my scalp - had a few iss

Hey, I feel exactly the same way, there must be around 800-900 people in my school and I'm the only one with psoriasis. No one gets it, they think I just have really dry skin, either that or eczema :( I have a couple of really close friends who know about it and understand, but there are others who just point out the obvious and tell me things like 'your face is really red' or 'you've got loads of dandruff in your hair' like I didn't already know. It annoys me so much, people just don't understand. I joined this website with the hope of gaining some reassurance about my psoriasis, and so far it has helped a lot, but to answer your question, no, you are not the only one who feels like this, i'm just the same :) and I'm sure many other people do too, unfortunately :( Anna x

Posted Wed 14 Dec 2016 18.06 by Jennifer
I'm a 15yr old girl who's had psoriasis since the age of 5. It's been hard but I've learnt to just live with it

I too know how this feels and I'm new to this I'm 15 and I've had psoriasis since the age of 4 so I feel the same just like you I feel like no one understands that I'm alone in this world because no one can truly understand how I feel unless their in my position. People ask me all the time if it's contagious and every time I always no but it didn't seem to get into people's heads. I hate when people ask me if I have chicken pox so now reading this I see I'm not the only one so your not the only one we're all in this together

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