Depression, Anxiety...and my skin.

Posted Thu 13 Mar 2014 21.10 by psogirl1202
Started at 19. Initially thought it was dandruff, but realised due to genetic connection (it runs in my fathers family). Diagnosed with seve

Heyy I wanted to post on here as I am finding life quite difficult at the moment. I have chronic psoriasis, and I am currently taking methrotrexate but it is doing absolutely nothing at the moment. To be totally honest, I am fed up of looking like this and dealing with it when everyone else is fine. its made me pretty miserable. I have put on quite a lot of weight since I was diagnosed - it's hard to stay motivated to exercise when food is comforting and I look like crap all the time anyway. I already have anxiety generally. It has just all got on top of me in the last few months...I never want to get out of bed. Anyway I sound like a mopey whatnot...other people just don't understand how depressing it is with psoriasis on your entire body, reminding you all the damn time. Sorry for whining, hopefully someone will get where I am coming from...

Posted Fri 21 Mar 2014 16.12 by FallOutGirlxo (edited Mon 30 Jun 2014 20.25 by barmet)
Suffered with acute psoriasis on my forehead (cleared) Bad spots covering my back (clearing) Odd spots on arms and legs (maintainable)

I am 18 so I can relate to you having to put up with this disease through my teenage years. It's horrible, I put make up on to cover it up only for it to get worse! It really puts you down. I use Dovobet which clears it up after a few days but it's a steroid ointment so I'm not supposed to use it as often as I do, or on my face, but I do it because I get severe blotches on my face and forehead. I've had it my whole life so I have learned to live with it, I used to feel as upset as you do but now I don't really care I just treat it, try Dovobet and see if it makes a difference, but don't let a skin condition make you hate your whole self.

Posted Sat 28 Jun 2014 20.54 by SoreSyan (edited Mon 30 Jun 2014 20.25 by tammy2004)
My whole life is affected by psoriasis . I just want to talk and it will hopefully get better:)

I have given up as well, I am only 12 but have had psoriasis since I was born and its only getting worse with age! They won't give me methrotrexate because I have a kidney condition and they will only make it worse! I am fed up with life and I can't even walk or hold things anymore because of it! Anyway I sound like an idiot so ill try and cry myself to sleep as usual.

Posted Mon 30 Jun 2014 20.31 by isy9512
Psoriasis mainly on my arms, self-conscious especially in summer, embarrassed which prevents me from taking my hoodie or jumper off when I'm

Hey I'm 18 and had psoriasis for around 8 years, I can really relate to your stories, I've never felt very confident as it's mostly on my arms and legs so I often wear jeans and hoodies to cover myself up. My friends don't really understand the condition and neither do my family, so it would be nice to talk to people my age who understand. If anyone want to talk about treatment or just want someone who can relate to them then you can email me Isy xxxx

Posted Sun 17 Aug 2014 12.53 by SorrelM (edited Thu 24 Mar 2016 02.42 by millymoodylan)
I am 17 and have had patches of psoriasis all over my body since I was young. When I was younger it didn't bother me as much. however more

I completely get what you mean, I'm 17 and have had psoriasis for about 5 years and went through what you did all of last year. I was depressed and anxious all of the time, I wasn't motivated to loose weight even though I wanted to because I didn't see any point as I'd have psoriasis even if I got thinner. I would come home and just sleep because having psoriasis and going through what it sounds like your going through is so exhausting! I've been using dovabet and dovanet for ages now and I'm not a massive fan as the moment you stop it it just comes back, but I recently went to the doctor and they said to use a cotton bud when applying it on lots of small patches as it can SPREAD otherwise :O How mad, also if you want to stop it then you have to slowly decrease putting it on, like go from putting it on ever day, to every other day and so on so that it doesn't suddenly come back with a vengeance. I also recommend light treatment, I haven't had it yet but I hear it's really effective. Also, what I've realised is that I'm much more aware of my psoriasis that other people are, they often don't even notice or care which I'm sure is the same in your case. I hope this helps :)

Posted Thu 24 Mar 2016 02.54 by Alteara
I had my 'trigger' when I was 14, crazy things were happening with my friends and also my dad died. At first it was really bad. It destroyed

I've had psoriasis since I was 14, I'm 20 now and I've been through it all as well. It can be dark, and I've been to the darkest places because of it. At the end of the day its up to you how you look at it. You can lay in bed all day and cry and watch Breaking Bad on your laptop or whatever, or you can just treat it. Keep trying new treatments, there are loads out there, find out what works for you. Build a fortress in your mind, it takes time, but trust me. Brick by brick build your castle of positivity. It doesn't matter what you use for the cement, friends, personal projects (I'm an aspiring writer), exercise is a great one I hear, although I find it hard to get a workout as well. The race is long, and in the end it's only with yourself. So keep your chin up and walk the track. D. Macleod

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